As a kid, Mickey drew all the time amassing stacks of sketchbooks filled with mysterious places, creatures, and monsters. Later, she became immersed in her own education, coaching young athletes, and the education of other artists. Subsequently, Mickey’s creatures faded into a distant memory and their magic places covered in dust, forgotten on her bookshelf. A few years ago, Mickey began hearing her character’s voices yelling from her bookshelf. No longer being able to ignore all their racket, Mickey began to write and draw again. Her characters were excited for their stories to finally be told. Her first story and character, Dudley, fulfilled a promised to her old friend.
Mickey grew up in Ohio, received her bachelor’s degree in commercial art from Ashland University in 1992, and a master’s in art education in 2005. She became an art teacher in 1998 and has taught all grades – including Advanced Placement college level art courses in high school. In 2008 she moved to Las Vegas where her writing career has taken off. She joined SCBWI, 12×12, and Storyteller Academy in order to learn the craft of writting for children . Finally, her creatures, monsters and mysterious places are being dusted off and being brought to life in the pages of her picture books.